Tech for Troops - Empowering Veterans with computers, skills, and Information Technology (IT) work force training

Tech For Troops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donating entities are eligible to receive a tax deduction for property donated under applicable rules and regulations of the IRS. 

The charitable deduction for contributions of technology equals the fair market value (retail used value in the current market place) of the donated property.

We can also accept other forms of charitable contributions including:  gifts of stock transfers, real estate, wills, estates, trusts, being listed as a beneficiary of life insurance policies and more.   Click to learn more! 

Donate the Full Amount

You can further support Tech for Troops by choosing to send 100% of your financial donation to us.

We have outstanding partnerships with our financial institutions and we’ve reduced cost everywhere we can. You can help further reduce our costs of processing by agreeing to pay the merchant fees.  These fees amount to 3.75% of the total donation.  Please consider this optional way to help!

Tech For Troops receives no financial help from state or federal governments.

Online Donations to Tech For Troops
